Thursday, February 11, 2010

Things I LOVE This Month: January 2010

***I am never satisfied with a face cleanser. Unless it is the $60 a bottle one I used to buy A Sephora and try to make one bottle last for a year. Recently I tried this:
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Which actually reminded me of the $60 bottle so now I am hooked! Not to mention it comes with a face scrubber!!! My face feels 1,000 times cleaner after washing with this product, especially after a grimy workout filled with sweat. You can check it out here.

***If you were like me when you were little the best part of having a Cabbagepatch Kid was not that they were the "in" thing, came with a birth certificate, or had a scribbled name on their behind, but because when you whiffed their little heads it smelled like heaven. I hoped for my baby to smell like one. However, my poor puker babies more often smelled like spit up then they did soap or lotion. Then I found this:
Aveeno Calming Comfort Lotion with Natural Colloidal Oatmeal, Lavender & Vanilla 8 fl oz (227 g)

Can I tell just tell you.... Cabbagepatch Kid head HEAVEN! It smells awesome. I love to lather it on Addison, and she loves it too! We are also digging this by Aveeno too:
Product Image <span class=
Smells so good and cleans so well.... I don't know if I will ever go back to Johnson & Johnson even if it is cheaper.

***I am an addict. Luckily this is a healthy addiction!!! It is ZUMBA!!! Wonder what it is? Check it out here when it was featured on the Today show a few years ago!
My next step is buying this:

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***I have been trying to make a point to be more creative. It helps me to relax and do something that doesn't involve wiping a mouth, or cleaning the house. I have been enjoying making handmade cards, and joining a small group of women that like to do the same on a monthly basis. My new favorite stamp is this one:
Medallion Stamp Set - by <span class=
I love the image so much I want to dip it in fabric paint and stamp the heck out of a plain white dress!!!

***I need motivation on a regular basis. Temptation for yummy brownies/cookies, and the desire to sit on my sofa and eat a bag of chips is strong on some days, and it is good to have something around to get me out of it. Sadly, they don't have free meetings for people that love food like AA meetings for alcohol lovers. So I need some "inside" support. And that is this:
Subscribe to Shape MagazineI love me some Shape magazine. I also love Cooking LIght to give me some healthy options on tasty food.
***I am always wishing for better quality photos and the ability to use my creative eye, but always had a lame point and shoot camera that never gave me any satisfaction. Then we got this:Canon Rebel XS 10.1MP Digital SLR Camera with <span class=
Our lives have since changed, since the pictures have. Some may say it is too much money, but can your really put a price on memories! My little kids will only be little kids for so long, and soon the pictures will be all that I have to remember them this age. I LOVE the Rebel!

***I can not believe I lasted this long with a flip cell phone. I mean who in the year 2010 doesn't have a smart phone? Luckily Pete was a good birthday boy and let me share his gift this year. We both got a pair of these:9509784 Front LargeThe Hero soon became my hero with access anywhere, at anytime.
***Last but certainly not least: Years ago I bought this tea from Nordstroms that cost me a whopping $20 for 1 stinken box. It was by far the best tea I ever had. The first time I had it in a spa in NYC while getting a pedi. I noticed the intrict detail of the hand woven teabags, and how fancy they seemed. I memorized the name so that I could jump on the internet at home and find me some of that. I did--in Nordstrom. I hung onto that dang box for a good year if not more. Then this a few weeks ago I saw the name "Mighty Tea Leaf" on sale in a local supermarket flyer. Even better, it was on sale for $5.99 for the SAME size box. I thought there would be NO way they had my FAVORITE kind! But they did:Mighty Leaf Tea Green Tea, Tropical, TropicalIf you are a tea lover you must get yourself some of this!!!