Kids Hits:
*Santa recently got the Crayola® Erasable Activity Table and Chair Set for the kids this Christmas and it was clearly the bell of the ball! They use it for everything (from playing to eating)! We bought it at Bed Bath and Beyond who currently have it on CLEARANCE! If any of you fellows Moms out there don't have a sturdy set of kid tables and chairs this is a steal for $20! We also purchased two added chairs that are now also on clearance!
*Addison has been all about art! She recently discovered a Doodle Pro at her cousins house, and it became apparent she needed one! My sister decided to give her an added belated Christmas gift and sent her one! We have had to pry it out of her hands at times to move onto something new! It certainly was a perfect gift for a wee one her age!
*Grammy and Grampy also purchased a "hit gift" for BOTH his and her items!
The Red Retro Pottery Barn Kitchen has been given MAD love by both kids! It is very pricey! However it is made so well, and has so many cute features! We hope to add onto the collection for her birthday!
Rylan has been asking for trucks like his friend Matthew owns. They are huge, detailed, and made well! The main one he wanted was a "round and round" truck (aka cement truck), but thanks to giving grandparents he got three Bruder trucks!
The kids were so blessed this Christmas that they have yet to open all that they have received. I will post more items they received that are hits in the future, as we move through the mountain of blessings.
Mom Hits:

* Zumba Wear! After a year and a half of falling in love with Zumba I decided to put Zumba gear on my Christmas list! It was pricey, but WOW is it made for dancing! I love love love it! If you are a Zumba lova like myself-treat yourself to these:
* Shakira's new album! While on the Zumba kick, I heard some of Shakira's new album Sale El Sol and was hooked! If you like to shake it-you must buy it!
*Clothes from Francesca's Collections! I was down in West Palm Beach last October when I ran into a boutique that I thought was unique and one of a kind. To my surprise, it was actually a chain, and we actually had one tucked in a corner at our local mall that I hadn't noticed before. I find their clothes to be trendy but not skanky, young but not to youthful. It is a perfect fit for the days I want to be out of my Mom sweat pants, but not in Ann Taylor. They also have the most FAB jewelry! While down in Florida, they hosted a "buy a necklace and get a pair of earrings for a penny"! Can't beat a deal like that!
*Eddie Bauer's Cotton/Cashmere sweaters ROCK! I was given one as a gift, and everytime I wear one I am constantly patted and told "OOOOOhhh you feel so nice". I recently went to the outlet and found then on CLEARANCE for $11.99!!! (previous $34.00). I bought another one, and a few for the family! If you get a chance to head to the outlets make sure to see if they have this beauty on the rack!
I was also incredibly blessed this holiday, and have yet to read all the books I was given and listen to all the cds. I am sure some of them will make it onto future review lists! I have a feeling Jay-Z's book Decoded will be a great one!
Dad's Hits:
*IPAD Need I say more?
*Zac Brown Band Pete is loving them! Especially "Chicken Fried"!
And his other musical love...
Sugarland You should hear him sing "Stuck Like Glue"
He is totally digging country this year! Not sure what got into him since he also recieved Taylor Swifts new one!
What awesome things did you get these holidays that you think others would love?
Thanks for your input, and for your loyalty as readers since I don't often get to update this lil' ol' review blog! You all help me to pay the bills around here, and for that I am forever grateful!
Happy 2011! May it be great, and full of new things to rave about!
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