Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Things I LOVE This Month: March 2010

I kid you not, on March 31 I made this list, and fully intended to type it out, and then.... life happened. So here we are April 13th and I am doing my March favorites list! Ahh well one of these days I will finish the deadline of the 1st! So here we go...

*Something I LOVE but will never be able to afford (it was gifted to me by my sweet sister)...
Brilliant Glossing Shampoo
Seriously the best smelling shampoo I have ever put in my hair, and the tiny amount that when lathered makes a large amount, is amazing. Needless to say I am using it sparingly.

*Ahh Dove Soap is my ultimate fav! I posted a different kind on this blog before, but this one helped me welcome Spring:
Dove Cool Moisture Bar Soap, Cucumber and Green Tea - 4.25 Oz X 4 Pack
*We already experience some HOT days here in CT! On hot days I enjoy a col
d treat at the end of the day! Since I am trying hard not to eat ice cream everyday all Summer long, and lose the last of the baby weight, I needed a calorie friendly option! I found it thanks to Edy's!
I could not find a willing picture on the Internet of this HOT find--but LIME FRUIT BARS people! LOVE THEM! (and only 90 calories!)

*When I need to wake up, before consuming coffee, this makes me thankful a new day has started: (well besides my kids of course!)
The Body Shop <span class=

Thank you Body Shop for providing me with yet another FANTASTIC scent to add to my obsessive collection!

*When I want to calm down at night, and have a scent that sends the message that it is time to "chill" and go night night, I use this obsessively:
Sleep - Lavender Body Wash - Aromatherapy - Bath & Body WorksSleep - Lavender Vanilla Body Lotion - Aromatherapy - Bath & Body Works
Bath and Body Works provides this scent that makes me happy that the day is over, and it is time for some Z's!

*The best boxed brownie mix I have ever had hands down:
<span class=
THANK YOU GHIRARDELLI you are just what a girl needs after a long hard day (or just PMS'ing).

*Years ago a friend gave me this book and I just didn't know what to do with it! Would I really take a waterproof book into the bath tub and read about meditation?.... yes, about 15 years after receiving this gift!
Clean and Serene: Meditations for the bath (<span class=
The quotes, and the visualisations are useful when trying to relax and forget the four year old running down the hall while you are trying to be all "zen" in the tub.

*When your babies bum is all red there is nothing better:
Triple Paste Medicated Ointment - 8 Oz
Triple Paste is EXPENSIVE! But worth EVERY SINGLE PENNY!!!!

*My son has a very limited diet, and well, has a bit of an issue with doing #2's! So I found these:
Fleet - Children's <span class=
Now every day thanks to Fleet, he is taking these everyday with his daily vitamins, and is less uncomfortable!

*In my desperate need for a bathing suit (which honestly just happened in April, but ah what the heck I will put it in the March post), I went to Sears and got my answers! As a Mom with a Mom body, never try to buy a suit that is not Lands End!
I tried on and loved this one:

I had to buy it! I know they are super $$$$$, but it was actually cheaper to buy it through Sears then the catalog! Plus these suits are so well made, they last YEARS!

And there you have it! March Favorites, and now thinking about what is to come of April! Feel free to share with me some of your favorites too!


  1. I too love my Lands' End Mommy Bathing suit! They fit so well and snug in my muffin top!

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