I would like to thank McDonald's who early on in Summer gave my kids a full set of these awesome Rio Toys:
Honestly, my kids have not stopped playing with them, or fighting over them! I am a big toy review FLOP--as I was supposed to offer some of you to win these and my brain got filled with ocean & sand. Sorry McDonald's! My kids LOVED (still LOVE) them, but not as much as your cheeseburgers and french fries!
Now onto my favorites for Fall/Back to School:
- Wondering how to keep your kid hip while not spending the ogles of money some of the brand names try to get you to pay? I got your answer: ZULILY my friends. I was floored by not only their deals, but there array of brands. I also totally loved how if you refer people, and that person uses Zulily, you get a $15 credit! This summer I was able to get cute clothes, Laurie Berkner videos, AND an awesome ice tea maker. The deals they feature change daily so you have to act FAST!
- It's a hard economy and nobody seems to be in a spot of hefty spending. However, we all want to try out that new fancy spa in the area, or be able to attend that awesome kid class that costs a gazillion bucks! Groupon makes this happen at DISCOUNT prices in your area. For example, today's feature on mine is For $40 get a $209 package of JcPenny Portraits!
- I needed something of substance to help get Rylan where he needed to be for Kindergarten this Fall. I purchased these AWESOME books to help with handwriting, cutting, mazes, and much more! Most "workbooks" are often frowned upon in the teaching world. As they have no depth to them, and no real teaching point. These books were phenomenal. If your kid needs a little extra help, busy work, prep for preschool, homeschooling or tutoring work, you MUST check out Kumon! You will find them so inviting, to the point and exactly what you paid for.
- I also went high and low to find the right pencil for Rylan to use in his efforts to strengthen his grip. We used all kinds of pencils, and markers. But nothing competed with this:
- My kid is a picky eater. When thinking about what to pack him from lunch I couldn't help but think he would be eating peanut butter and fluff every single day. On a whim I tried a Lunchable this Summer. I always thought these things always looked so unappetizing. Luckily they have done some remodeling, and although you won't find me curled up around one, you will find my kid! Success! Now I can send him to school with a full lunch that I didn't even have to lift a finger to make in our busy mornings.